Kamimura has named his field recording “Meditative Hunting” as its concept. Because they combine the elements of “hunting,” which is the dynamic act of searching for sounds, and “meditation,” which is the static act of listening to sounds. He considers meditation a significant element in interacting with environments. It brings inner connections surrounding us and quiet observations of the environment.
He has been working with field recording on various projects, such as the Artist in Residence Program, research trips, and collaboration projects worldwide. His primary fieldwork on the drift ice in the Sea of Okhotsk, Shiretoko, Hokkaido, has been done every winter since 2019. The fieldwork has recently expanded to the Finnish natural environment, the Icelandic glacier, the Amazon rainforest, and Iguazú Falls in Argentina.

May 27 - 31, 2024
Kodama Experience "YAKU", Yakushima, Kagoshima

May 6 - 12, 2024
Awasi Art week by LABVERDE, Iguazú Falls in Argentina

March 1- April 14, 2024
"Parallel Streams", River Thames, London, U.K

April 25, 2024
Field recording in Tomonoura, Seto Inland Sea, Hiroshima

February 17 - 26, 2024
Drift Ice, Shiretoko, Hokkaido

August 3 - 12, 2023
LABVERDE: Speculative Ecologies, Filedwork in the Amazon Reainforest, Manaus, Brazil

February 13 - 23, 2023
Drift Ice, Shiretoko, Hokkaido

December 10, 2022
Fjallsárlón Glacier in Iceland

December 11 - 12, 2022
Svínafellsjökull Glacier in Iceland

November 9, 2022, full moon day
Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach in Iceland

October 25, 2022, new moon day
Gróttuviti Lighthouse in Iceland

October 1, 2022
Suomenlinna, Helsinki

March 6 - 14, 2022
Drift Ice, Shiretoko, Hokkaido

November 20 - 24, 2021
Field trip in Inari, Finland

November 1 - 2, 2021
Field trip in Livonsaari, Naantali, Finland

Octobert 29 / November 11, 2021
Recording at Temppeliaukion kirkko, Helsinki, Finland

Octobert 26, 2021
Field trip at Högbergetin Luola, Kirkkonummi, Finland