internal weather
lambda print, frame
600 ~ 400mm each
Utoro's rocky "Sankaku - Iwa" which Kamimura visits to record drift ice every year, are usually filled with drift ice, and you never see the rock surface. However, in the winter of 2021, there was almost no snow or ice, and a rugged black rock surface appeared.
As Kamimura walked between the rocks and looked at own feet, there are a lot of sherbet puddles which are melted drift ice. When he looked inside of the sherbet puddles, it looked like the movement of clouds in the atmosphere and the phenomenon of stars in the universe. he felt that we could see spectacular climate change on a cosmic scale in the drift ice, which is decreasing year by year due to global warming.
Titile of each works are...
Einternal weather (210226_16:27_UTORO)
Einternal weather (210226_16:11_UTORO)
Einternal weather (210226_16:28_UTORO U)
Einternal weather (210226_16:17_UTORO)
Einternal weather (210226_16:18_UTORO)
Einternal weather (210226_13:10_UTORO)
Einternal weather (210217_12:23_UTORO)
Einternal weather (210226_16:28_UTORO T)